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Historical Documents

Falkland Islands
Unit Histories
Maps and Surveys
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Royal Navy
Rear Admiral Sir Edmund Irving
Address given by Rear Admiral Ritchie - 24 February 1991
Map Plates
Appendix 2
S.H.A.E.F. Operation Memorandum - "Map Co-ordinates"
Appendix 1
S.H.A.E.F. Operation Memorandum "Artillery and Engineer Survey"
Chapter 14
Miscellaneous Notes
Chapter 13
Dominion and Colonial Survey Units
Chapter 12
Miscellaneous Theatres
Chapter 11
France, Belgium, Holland and Germany 1944-45
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
North West Africa
Chapter 8
South East Asia
Chapter 7
Persia and Iraq
Chapter 6
Italian East Africa
Chapter 5
The Middle East
Chapter 4
British American Mapping Policy
Chapter 3
Home Defence and Preparation for Offensive Operations 1940 - 1944
Chapter 2
France and Belgium 1939 -40
Chapter 1
Basic Survey Organizations in the United Kingdom
Contents and Preliminaries
Maps and Surveys Contents and Preliminaries
Title Page
Maps and Surveys Title Page
Maj Samuel Anderson
Maj Samuel Anderson 1839 - 1881
Maj Gen Thomas Colby
Maj Gen Thomas Colby 1774 - 1852
Brig Guy Bomford
Brig Guy Bomford 1899-1996
Sir William de Wiveleslie Abney
Sir William de Wiveleslie Abney
Maj Charles John Darrah
Maj Charles John Darrah 1835 - 1871
Thomas Drummond
Thomas Drummond 1797 - 1840
Maj Gen R C A Edge
Maj Gen R C A Edge 1912 -1999
Col John Marshall Grant
Col John Marshall Grant -1822 - 1902
Gen Sir John Summerfield Hawkins
Gen Sir John Summerfield Hawkins
Brig Martin Hotine CMG CBE
Brig Martin Hotine CMG CBE
Maj Gen Sir Henry James FRS MRIA
Maj Gen Sir Henry James FRS MRIA
Maj Gen Sir Thomas Larcom Bt
Maj Gen Sir Thomas Larcom Bt
Maj Gen Richard Clement Moody
Maj Gen Richard Clement Moody
Henry Spencer Palmer
Henry Spencer Palmer
Maj Gen Robert Mann Parsons
Maj Gen Robert Mann Parsons
Wg Cdr Thomas Hugh Hamshaw RA RFC RAF
Wg Cdr Thomas Hugh Hamshaw RA RFC RAF 1885 -1962
Maj Gen Sir Charles Wilson
Maj Gen Sir Charles Wilson 1836-1919
Lt Col William Yolland CB FR
Lt Col William Yolland CB FR
Maps and Surveys
Compiled by Brigadier A.B. Clough, C.B.E., M.C. Published by The War Office, 1952.
Artillery Survey in the First World War
Authors: Sir Lawrence Bragg, C.B., OBE, M.C., F.R.S, Major General A.H.Dowson, C.B, C.B.E, Lieutenant Colonel H.H. Hemming, O.B.E., M.C.
Manual of Artillery Survey
Part 1. 1924
A Short History of 13 Field Survey Squadron Royal Engineers
Transcribed from the “Souvenir Programme for the 150th Anniversary of the formation of 13 Field Survey Squadron Royal Engineers”
History of the 14 Map Reproduction Section Royal Engineers
Author: B.B. Titchener, Capt. R.E.
A Short History of 14 Field Survey Squadron Royal Engineers
Author: Captain C.O.S. Robbins RE 1975
The Story of 512 Field Survey Company RE
Author: Alan Gordon
Notes on the History of 512 Field Survey Company R.E.
Based on four sources of historical material : - a. Brigadier A.B. Clough’s monograph “Maps and Survey”, H.M.S.O., 1952. b. References, mainly war diaries, held in the National Archives at Kew. c. Anecdotal souvenir histories produced by the units. d. Personal accounts or reminiscences and correspondence regarding the same.
A Brief History of 19 Topographic Squadron 1827 - 1977
Transcribed from the “Souvenir Programme 150th Anniversary 19 Topographic Squadron Royal Engineers 1827-1977”
Notes on the History of 515 Field Survey Company R.E.
Based on four sources of historical material : - a. Brigadier A.B. Clough’s monograph “Maps and Survey”, H.M.S.O., 1952. b. References, mainly war diaries, held in the National Archives at Kew. c. Anecdotal souvenir histories produced by the units. d. Personal accounts or reminiscences and correspondence regarding the same.
Notes on the History of 516 Field Survey Company R.E.
Based on four sources of historical material : - a. Brigadier A.B. Clough’s monograph “Maps and Survey”, H.M.S.O., 1952. b. References, mainly war diaries, held in the National Archives at Kew. c. Anecdotal souvenir histories produced by the units. d. Personal accounts or reminiscences and correspondence regarding the same.
Notes on the History of 517 Field Survey Company R.E.
Based on four sources of historical material : - a. Brigadier A.B. Clough’s monograph “Maps and Survey”, H.M.S.O., 1952. b. References, mainly war diaries, held in the National Archives at Kew. c. Anecdotal souvenir histories produced by the units. d. Personal accounts or reminiscences and correspondence regarding the same.
A Falkland Islands Veteran Remembers
This article has been written as a result of telephone conversations between Col.M.Nolan and Harry Calder on 14-9-07, 19-9-07, ??-9-07, and 8-10-07, from Barry Calder’s interviews with Harry (his father) in October and November 2007 and from a few documents now in the possession of Barry Calder.
History of 518 Field Survey Company R.E.
No unit history exists for this unit. The notes on various sources are in lieu of a unit history until the compilation of one is addressed.
Notes on the History of 519 Field Survey Company R.E.
Based on four sources of historical material : - a. Brigadier A.B. Clough’s monograph “Maps and Survey”, H.M.S.O., 1952. b. References, mainly war diaries, held in the National Archives at Kew. c. Anecdotal souvenir histories produced by the units. d. Personal accounts or reminiscences and correspondence regarding the same.
Notes on the History of 520 Field Survey Company R.E.
Based on four sources of historical material : - a. Brigadier A.B. Clough’s monograph “Maps and Survey”, H.M.S.O., 1952. b. References, mainly war diaries, held in the National Archives at Kew. c. Anecdotal souvenir histories produced by the units. d. Personal accounts or reminiscences and correspondence regarding the same.
Notes on the History of 521 Field Survey Company R.E.
Based on four sources of historical material : - a. Brigadier A.B. Clough’s monograph “Maps and Survey”, H.M.S.O., 1952. b. References, mainly war diaries, held in the National Archives at Kew. c. Anecdotal souvenir histories produced by the units. d. Personal accounts or reminiscences and correspondence regarding the same.
Loading Table : 521st (Corps Field Survey) Company R.E.
Compiled by: W.E. Browne, Major R.E., O.C. 521 (Corps Fd. Svy.) Coy., R.E.
Notes on the History of 522 Field Survey Company R.E.
Based on four sources of historical material : - a. Brigadier A.B. Clough’s monograph “Maps and Survey”, H.M.S.O., 1952. b. References, mainly war diaries, held in the National Archives at Kew. c. Anecdotal souvenir histories produced by the units. d. Personal accounts or reminiscences and correspondence regarding the same.
Notes on the History of 523 Field Survey Company R.E.
Based on four sources of historical material : - a. Brigadier A.B. Clough’s monograph “Maps and Survey”, H.M.S.O., 1952. b. References, mainly war diaries, held in the National Archives at Kew. c. Anecdotal souvenir histories produced by the units. d. Personal accounts or reminiscences and correspondence regarding the same.
Early Aeronautical Charts and The Geographical Department That Never Was
Author: M.N. MacLeod, Lt Col R.E.
A Short History of The Field Survey Company Federated Malay States Volunteer Forces
Written by I.C. Booth, Major, Officer Commanding.
The War Diary of 8 Field Survey Company R.E.
British Salonika Force from 1 January 1917 to 10 April 1919
22 Map Production Squadron
A Short History of 22 Map Production Squadron 1849 – 1976.
Visit by King Haakon of Norway
Photographs of visit
Special Charts and Publications
Special Charts and Publications produced by the Hydrographic Department Volume 1 (text) Admiralty 1949 C.B. 3200A. Through the courtesy of the UK Hydrographic Office Taunton, and with concurrence of the National Archives, Kew, the Defence Surveyors’ Association has included the Technical Staff Monograph C.B. 3200A on its web site as a companion document to Maps & Survey, H.M.S.O. 1952.
Notes on GSGS Mapping in World War II
In preparation for the invasion of Sicily, which took place in July 1943, the Geographical Section, General Staff, War Office, London produced an illustrated guide to the to the mapping situation in the Central Mediterranean theatre of operations entitled “Notes on the G.S.G.S. Maps of Italy, Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica, 1 May 1943”.
Evacuation of Malayan Survey Department
The Evacuation of Malayan Survey Department Military Maps and Mapping Material from Singapore to Australia February 1942
Burma 101
The Survey Service Eastern and 14 ARMY 1942 – 1945. Report by Col. G. Bomford.
Z Location Survey in War
Report on the Work of the Sixth Field Survey Company in Italy
Report on the Work of the Sixth Field Survey Company in Italy . November 1917 to November 1918
Survey in Egypt and Palestine in World War One - 7 Field Survey Company R.E.
The account is taken from “A Brief Record of the Advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force under the command of General Sir Edmund H.H. Allenby GCB, GCMG, July 1917 - Oct 1918”, H.M.S.O. 1919.
Report on the work of the Seventh Field Survey Company RE, Egypt, Sinai, Palestine and Syria, December 1916 - October 1918
Report on the work of the Seventh Field Survey Company RE. Egypt, Sinai, Palestine and Syria. December 1916 to October 1918
Maps and Artillery Board Pamphlets
Reprinted from pamphlet issued by the British General Staff 1916. Edited at the Army War College, Washington, D.C., May 1917
WWI Heavy Artillery Boards
3rd Field Company R.E.
Notes on Sound Ranging
Issued by General Staff I (c), G.H.Q.; No 38.- Notes on Ranging our Own Guns. 24 July 1918
4th Field Survey Battalion
History of the 4th Field Survey Battalion RE. by Lt Col M N Macleod DSO MC RE, Commanding Officer
Survey on the Western Front
PROVISIONAL. Winterbotham's preliminary report. This was consultyed and largely used in preparing the official report.
Sound Ranging 2017
Paper on Sound Ranging
6 Field Survey Company
Report on the work of the Sixth Field Survey Company in Italy. November 1917 to November 1918.

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