Setting up RSS Feeds with Chrome and Android smart phones
I am writing this blog to help improve the utility of the DSA website which I have changed considerably over the past two years to make it easier to navigate, more relevant and current. Through the analysis of web site usage and recent discussion with various members of the DSA Council I became aware that the website was not seen as the first port of call for information on the DSA. Whilst analysis figures show increasing usage from across the World and from outside of the DSA, very few of our own members exploit the web site to any extent.
To encourage use of the website, the attached document has instructions on how to exploit Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds on a Windows PC and an Android smart phone. Through RSS feeds, any changes in the DSA Blog can automatically be pulled from the site to notify you through an RSS reader. I will use the DSA Blog to keep members informed of changes and new information on the Website, in particular with regards to News items, Events and wider geospatial matters.
I hope you find this useful and encourages you to explore the web site.
