The following is an extract from the IAMG March Newsletter from President, Cdr (Prof) H.A.P (Hennie) Smit, Associate Professor of Military Geography, South African Military Academy. Whilst much of the newsletter is about conference arrangements, Cdr Smit discusses some interesting recent publications on military geosciences.
While the last 20 months was an unusually trying and uncertain time, it was certainly not an unproductive period for IAMG members. Peter Guth produced Military Geoscience: Bridging History to Current Operations, a book in the Advances in Military Geosciences series published by Springer. Congratulation on that Peter! Since the Padova conference, various attendees published articles in the two Italian journals, Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria and Rendiconti Online, while the conference book, Military Geoscience in Peace and War is in press. Once again, a big “thank you” to Aldino Bondesan for your hard work to make this possible. My appreciation also to Judi Ehlen as co-editor of Military Geoscience in Peace and War. A whole host of other publications emanated from members of the IAMG during this period. This continuous stream of publications with a military geoscientific focus is an important way to draw attention to and expand the reach and impact of military geosciences. I therefor wants to thank and congratulate all the authors, editors, peer-reviewers and researchers who contributed to publications and kept the military geosciences flag flying since the Padova conference.
A link to the newsletter is here. The website also has some reviews of the publications mentioned above.