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Calling any Wild B8 users

I have been informed that the Medmenham Society has a Wild B8 (at Chicksands I believe) but does not have any member who actually knows how to set one up. If any member of the DSA has some knowledge or knows someone who has, please contact me (

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James Prain
James Prain
Sep 09, 2021

Thank you to to Ian Dowman who has put me in contact with Ernie Wickens and to Peter Collier who also offered support. Ernie has clarified the situation. The B8 was donated to the Medmenham Association by the late Paul Sancto. Because there was no more room in the museum at Chicksands it is housed at RAF Wyton where the archive is kept. Ernie has looked after the Wild A5 and the B8 ever since the Association received them. Because of Covid constraints he has not been permitted access to either the museum or archive for approaching two years now. However, he is in regular touch with Ruth Pooley the archivist and with Tim Fryer who manages the museum…

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